Renaissance Skin Therapy Retexturizing Weekly Pads
Improving your skin’s texture, tone and pores with powerful skin care products! Give your skin the boost it needs between your medical spa treatments with this at-home exfoliation product. With the use of TCA (Trichloroacetic Acid) and Salicylic Ac...
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Forever Young Treatments With BBL Now Scientifically Proven As Anti-Aging
Recently published in the prestigious Journal of Investigative Dermatology, a scientific study of the effects of BroadBand Light on aging skin cells shows dramatic changes to the aging process at both the molecular level and the skin visible to the naked eye. This study's...
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Sciton Laser Resurfacing For Bags Under The Eyes, As Seen On ‘The Doctors,’ Offered Right Here In The St. Louis Area
Did you catch yesterday’s episode of The Doctors which featured the Sciton, a laser resurfacing technique? p Dr. Adam Scheiner demostrated the use of the Sciton TRL Laser for lower eyelid concerns, puffiness or bags. Anne Strate, BSN, RN, one of our skin care specialists...
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Zerona Now FDA Approved
Zerona is the first non-invasive, non-surgical, aesthetic laser device to receive FDA market clearance in the U. S. for reduction of inches from the waist, hips and thighs. p This approval comes following a study conducted to determine the effectiveness of the Zerona laser techn...
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St. Louis Family Life Is About More Than Being a Mom
Their motto is “just because you have kids, that's no reason to lose your cool,” and St. Louis bloggers and mothers Kristie Steinlage and Lisa Bertrand founded the site STL Family Life with a mission to prove to St. Louis parents that ‘not loosing your co...
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Weight Loss, Bariatric Group Talk At SSM Weight Loss Institute At DePaul
In February, I had the opportunity to speak at the DePaul Weight-Loss Institute Support Group and I was reminded of the miraculous transformation that these patients make. I don’t think that using the analogy of a caterpillar becoming a beautiful butterfly is too strong. Thes...
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Effectively Treat Melasma, Hyperpigmentation, Freckles
For many years women have been plagued by the discoloration of the skin known as Melasma. The pigmentation typically presents itself in a symmetrical pattern on the face either on the cheeks, upper lip, forehead, etc. It may start very faint especially in those with fair skin...
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Kirkwood Greentree Festival
You don’t have to be a Kirkwood resident to enjoy the food, festivities and carnival fun at the 2008 Kirkwood Greentree Festival on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, September 12 – 14. p You’ll take a step back in time with the Folklife artisans and reenactors on hand demonstrating...
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