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Lines and wrinkles represent a common age-related cosmetic concern. However, the other ways in which the face changes with age cause many adults quite a bit of frustration. Drooping, hooded, sagging eyelids are one of them. With injectables being one of the primary ways to handle the signs of aging, people worried about the appearance of their eyes often wonder if injectables would be a good solution. We’ll discuss that here.

What Causes Droopy Eyelids?

Drooping eyelids can suggest aging even more than the lines and creases we love to hate. The cause of tissue changes is the sharp decrease in collagen and elastin in the skin. These chemicals are constantly produced in the dermis when we are young. During early adulthood, production declines to a near halt. The skin still uses collagen and elastin and relies on them for regeneration, but it doesn’t get what it needs. Without these essential building blocks, the skin loses volume, firmness, and stretchiness. Being naturally thin, the skin around the eyes is particularly susceptible to these losses.

The effects of aging on the eyelids are somewhat unique to each individual. They may include:

  • Volume loss in the eye area can cause redundant skin on the upper eyelids, creases at the outer corners of the eyes, and extremely lax skin that hangs over the eyelashes.
  • Pockets of fatty tissue can form under the eye. These are often called undereye bags.
  • Loss of volume under the eyes can lead to a sunken appearance.

Can Injectables Help?

In many cases, we see the value of injectable treatments for the correction of age-related changes. For example, dermal fillers can be added to the tear troughs, the crescent-shaped line that separates the upper cheek from the lower eyelid. Adding dermal filler here gives the illusion of a smooth transition; no more bags. Neuromodulators like Botox can smooth crow’s feet and also give a gentle lift to the brow line. Lifting the brows relieves the heaviness on the upper eyelid.

When Can’t Injectables Help?

There comes a point at which injectable therapy may not achieve the extent of improvement desired. Adults who have significant tissue laxity and redundant skin on the eyelids may get some correction with injectables but perhaps not enough. In these instances, surgery may be a better approach. Blepharoplasty is one of the leading procedures performed today. It is an outpatient surgery that can be performed with a local anesthetic and sedative. The technique makes very small incisions hidden in a crease or the inner eyelid. Tissue is tightened, trimmed, and stitched with delicate suture material. Within about two weeks, the positive benefits of blepharoplasty are evident. The best part is that the results can last years without repeat treatments.

Facial aging often centers around the eyes. We can help you focus on the most beneficial treatment for you. Call 636-535-2933 to schedule a consultation.

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