
Why Exercise Alone Won’t Help With Gynecomastia

Affecting over 50% of adolescents and 65% of men middle-aged to older, gynecomastia is a prevalent condition characterized by an excess of breast tissue in men. Though typically posing no health risks, the condition can cause severe emotional and psychological distress. T...

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Is Surgery Necessary to Correct Enlarged Male Breasts?

Men don’t have breasts. At least that’s what we believe. Historically speaking, we look at the male and female bodies quite differently, even when some parts are very similar. The female form has breasts. The male form has “pecs” or, simply, chest musculature. However...

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Reshape the Body with Gynecomastia Surgery

Gynecomastia is not a term with which most people are familiar. Many people have never heard this word before. What many men have heard are unfortunate terms like “man boobs.” Male breast enlargement is a common enough problem that we now have a more clinical descriptor...

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