Melanoma Causes
Melanoma, like all cancers, does not have one true cause. However, there are a few specific factors that can increase your likeliness of being affected by Melanoma. People with fair skin and freckles are more likely to develop Melanoma during their lifetime than people with darker skin. That does not mean people with medium or dark complexions do not have to worry about skin cancer.
Moles that appear quickly or change in shape are a sign you should consult with a doctor as soon as possible. Our physicians at Renaissance Plastic Surgery are trained to inspect your moles and skin to detect whether you may be at risk for Melanoma. The other major cause of Melanoma skin cancer is harmful UV radiation exposure.
An Ounce of Prevention
The best way to reduce your risks of contracting Melanoma is to avoid excessive UV exposure. The most effective way to reduce exposure is to avoid all contact with the sun. Becoming a hermit and staying huddled up indoors isn’t really a reasonable option though, so our doctors at Renaissance Plastic Surgery recommend the following easy considerations you can make to reduce your UV exposure.
Cover Up
Wearing long sleeves, long pants, and a hat in the sun is a great way to limit your exposure to harmful UV rays. Simply ensuring your skin has at least one layer of clothes between it and direct sunlight significantly reduces the amount of UV radiation your skin receives through the day.
Wearing sunscreen lotion every day will also reduce your risks for contracting Melanoma greatly. During the spring and summer, as we begin spending more time outside, Renaissance Plastic Surgery recommends getting into the habit of putting sunscreen on every day as part of your regular beauty regimen. During the middle of the day, from 10 AM to 4 PM, the UV exposure from simply being outside is increased. Wearing sunscreen allows you to stay protected as you go about your day.
Renaissance Plastic Surgery is committed to helping our patients reduce their risks of contracting Melanoma. To this end, we have discounted all of our sunscreen products by 10% for the month of May! We feel strongly that protecting your skin from harmful UV radiation is an important and healthy habit, and we encourage all of our patients to make the best choices for their health. Drop by our St. Peters, MO, office to pick up some discounted sunscreen lotion this May!